Samstag, 1. Dezember 2007

Mein Adventskalender

Es ist der 1. Dezember und ich frage mich, warum das Jahr so schnell vergangen ist. Oder kommt mir das nur so vor? Na, egal. Jedenfalls geht es heute los, mit leckeren Schoko-Adventskalendern. Und einem Adventskalender in meinem Blog. Mal sehen, wie ich den fülle. Lasst euch einfach überraschen.

Heute gibt es ein paar "Facts about Canada".

Immigrants in Canada

16 percent of Canada's population are immigrants. 27 percent of Ontario's, 26 percent of British Columbia's and 15 percent of Alberta's residents are immigrants. The provinces with the lowest proportions of immigrants are Newfoundland and Labrador (1.6 percent), Prince Edward Island (3.1 percent) and New Brunswick (3.1 percent).

Life Expectancy

Canadian men born in the last few years can expect to live to around 77 years and women to 84 years.

Highest and Lowest Temperatures

Canada's highest temperature, 45 degrees C (113 degrees F), was recorded at Midale, Saskatchewan. The lowest temperature was minus 63 degrees C (minus 81 degrees F) measured high at Snag, Yukon Territory.

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